
Exports facts from Africa

There are 54 countries according to the United Nations. The following are African territories: Reunion, Mayotte, Sainte Helena, and Western Sahara.

Africa is among the largest exporter in the world with Nigeria and South Africa alone accounting for half of Africa’s GDP. The 10 larger exporting countries in Africa are:

South Africa ($88.3 billions) leads with the export of gems and precious metal on top of the list, followed by ores and mineral fuel.

Guinea ($62.1 billions) is the leader in export of bauxite, aluminum and gold. Guinea also holds the largest reserve of bauxite in the world.

Nigeria ($44.5 billions) is the leader in export of mineral fuel and oil, followed by ships and boats and cocoa.

Algeria ($35.2 billions) also exports mineral fuel and oil and inorganic elements and fertilizers.

Angola ($34.8 billions) exports mineral fuels and oil, precious metals

Egypt ($25.9 billions) exports mineral fuel and oil and precious metal and gems.

Morocco ($25.6 billions) exports equipment and machinery and fertilizers.

Lybia ($17.8 billions) exports mineral fuel and oil, iron and steel.

Tunisia ($14.2 billions) exports equipment and machinery, followed by clothes and knits and crochets products.

Ghana ($11.4 billions) is the leader in the export of gold, followed by oil and cocoa.

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